5.38. Functions with Tuples and Dictionaries Multiple Choice QuestionsΒΆ
- keys() and get()
- Correct! Both keys() and get() are dictionary methods.
- values()
- Correct, values() is a dictionary method.
- count() and append()
- Try again! These are list methods.
- items()
- Correct, items() is a dictionary method.
- index()
- Try again!
csp-10-2-1: Which of following are python dictionary methods?
- tup.append(5), tup.pop(1), return sorted(tup)
- Try again! Tuples are immutable.
- tup.append(5), tup.pop(2), return sorted(tup)
- Try again! Tuples are immutable.
- tup.append(5), tup.pop(1), tup.reverse(), return tup
- Try again! Tuples are immutable.
- tup.append(5), tup.pop(1), return tup.reverse()
- Try again! Tuples are immutable.
- (90, 103, 54, 45) can't be changed to (5, 45, 54, 90).
- Correct! Tuples are immutable, so (90, 103, 54, 45) can't be changed to (5, 45, 54, 90).
csp-10-2-2: Which of the following would change tup_transformation(90, 103, 54, 45)
into tup_transformation(5, 45, 54, 90)
? (Note: Commas represent line breaks.)
def tup_transformation(tup):
# line(s)
- (0, 7, 16, 27, 100, 84, 99, 78, 200, -7)
- Try again! Be careful not to sort in place of reverse. Also, by using zip, each tuple will have an element from list_tup1 and an element from list_tup2 in order.
- (27, 0, 100, 7, 16, 84, 99, 78, 200, -7)
- Try again! By using zip, each tuple will have an element from list_tup1 and an element from list_tup2 in order.
- ((0, 84), (7, 99), (16, 78), (27, 200), (100, -7))
- Try again! Be careful not to sort in place of reverse.
- ((27, 84), (0, 99), (100, 78), (7, 200), (16, -7))
- Correct! This converts the tuples to lists and reverses list_tup1 and zips list_tup1 and list_tup2 together.
- The function call tup_and_list_transform((16, 7, 100, 0, 27), (84, 99, 78, 200, -7)) would cause an error because tuples are immutable.
- Try again! While it's true that tuples are immutable, tuples can be changed into data types that are mutable in order to be changed (e.g., lists).
csp-10-2-3: What would the output when tup_and_list_transform((16, 7, 100, 0, 27),(84, 99, 78, 200, -7))
is called?
def tup_and_list_transform(tup1, tup2):
list_tup1 = list(tup1)
list_tup2 = list(tup2)
return tuple(zip(list_tup1, list_tup2))
- return dictionary[1]
- Correct! This will cause a key error since 1 is not a key.
- return dictionary['one']
- This will return 8.
- return dictionary.get('one')
- This will return 8.
- return dictionary.get(8)
- This will return None which is the default value to return from get if the key isn't found.
- return dictionary.get('ten', 5)
- This will return 5 since 'ten' is not a key.
csp-10-2-4: Which of the following return statements will not return a value for the function call transform_dict({'one': 8, 'two': 10, 'three': 0})
def transform_dict(dictionary):
# return statement goes here
- dictionary[tup[0]] = dictionary[tup[1]]
- Try again! There is no tup[1] value in the dictionary.
- dictionary(tup[0]) = tup[1]
- Try again! Setting up the key for a dictionary requires square brackets.
- dictionary[tup[0]] = tup[1]
- Correct! This will set the key to the first item in the tuple and the value to the second item.
- dictionary[tup[1]] = tup[0]
- Try again! This would set the key to the 2nd item and the value to the first.
- dictionary[tup[0]] = dictionary.get(tup[1])
- Try again! There is no tup[1] key in the dictionary, and the default value for the get() method is None.
csp-10-2-5: Which of the following code snippets would cause tup_of_tuples_to_dict((1, 'one'), (5, 'five'))
to return {1: 'one', 5: 'five'}
def tup_of_tuples_to_dict(tup_of_tuples):
dictionary = {}
for tup in tup_of_tuples:
# insert code snippet here
return dictionary
- {3:4, 5:8, 4:9}
- This would be true if the key 3 wasn't in the dictionary, but it is.
- {3:4, 5:8, 4:4}
- It sets the value for key 4 to the value of key 3.
- {3:4, 5:4, 4:3}
- This would be true if get set the value to the first item rather than the second. The first item is the key to look for.
- There will be an error
- This code will run without any errors.
csp-10-2-6: What are the contents of d
after this code executes?
d = {3:4}
d[5] = d.get(4, 8)
d[4] = d.get(3, 9)
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